Saturday 13 April 2013


Feminism – The encouragement of women’s rights on the terms of the equality of the genders. (Oxford dictionaries, 2013) 

This was a Rights Movement  that had gained momentum over the years, perhaps sparked by the likes of Kate Shephard who got the vote for women in New Zealand.  Soldiers returned from World War II  and wanted to start back into the work force, so quickly put Women out of jobs and back into their “rightful place” as cleaners, cooks, mothers and wives.  This Movement motivated Women, particularly in America, to stand up for equality and to be recognised the same as men. There were 3 main waves that were very significant within the movement:
First wave: from the 19th century to the early 20th century – Began in the USA and the United Kingdom and focused on making sure the Government heard their pleas of being equal.  This was known to end when women were given the right to vote. This then started change in education, the workplace and in healthcare.  However Women were still unsatisfied.   

Second wave: early 1950’s to the late 1980’s – This wave encouraged women to recognize aspects of their personal lives and the power they could have if given the chance.

Third wave: early 1990’s to present time – Things finally started to change.  Women were in parliament and were treated equally in everyday society.  They decided what they wanted to do with their lives, had control with few restrictions.   

Women fought for things such as equal pay, job opportunities, education and to be treated as equals.   

The following trailer summarises what women were fighting for.

'Made in Dagenham' Trailer - Women's rights to equal pay.

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