Monday 15 April 2013

Supporting Evidence

Hitchcock used many techniques to portray Marion depending on her circumstances.

Marion has 3 main personality stages throughout the film:
- She has control of her life and she is happy with Sam.  Her clothing consists of her bra and petti -coat (which is white to show purity).  Marion is seen here as a sexual object and Sam seems to be in control as they go to kiss.


-          Her vulnerable side starts to show  as she feels she needs Sam, seeing stealing the money as a way to achieve this.  Her camera angles are always at eye view so the audience can relate with her and feel on her level.  She is now in black because she has done something wrong.

-         Finally she is seen in the shower washing away her sin as she has decided to return the money. She is still viewed in a low angle shot as she is in danger, but has felt she has gained back her independence.

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